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Frequently Asked Questions

About pet insurance

What is Furkin Pet Insurance?

At Furkin Pet Insurance, we aim to make caring for your pet's health and happiness as easy and simple as possible.


If you would like to talk through any questions you can contact our Care Team at 888-453-1088 or by email at Our Member Support Specialists have over 50 years of combined experience in the veterinary and pet care industry and would jump at the opportunity to help! 


See the most common pet insurance questions we get from pet parents below. If there are any terms you haven't heard of you can check out our Insurance Terms and Definitions dictionary.

Most Common

Furkin is some of the most comprehensive pet health insurance available in Canada, with coverage for accidents (e.g., hit by a car, etc.), illnesses (e.g., cancer, diabetes, etc.), and emergencies.

Furkin's additional coverage separates us from the competition:

  • Exam fees and taxes are covered
  • Telehealth Support 24/7 Access: If you have an unexpected medical situation, you can call our Telehealth Support number to talk to a veterinary nurse.
  • Advertising & Reward for a Lost Pet: If your pet is missing for at least 48 hours, we will reimburse the costs of advertising or reward money up to $1,000 annually to help you find your fur baby.
  • Boarding Fees: If you or a family member living in the same household are hospitalized for at least 48 hours as a result of an accident or illness, Furkin will cover the boarding fees for your fur baby with a limit of $1,000 per incident.
  • Holiday/Trip Cancellation: If your fur baby needs life-saving treatment for an eligible accident or illness within 7 days before your scheduled departure and it results in a cancellation of your holiday/trip, we will reimburse travel and accommodation costs up to $1,000 per incident.
  • Petriage Online Subscription: This is an online pet “triaging” software application, that will give you instant, actionable information about your pet’s health instead of searching the web.
  • Cremation and/or Burial: If in the unfortunate circumstances that your veterinarian recommends your pet be medically euthanized, Furkin will cover up to $1,000 of the cost of cremation and/or burial.
  • Plant in Memory: If your pet should pass away while your coverage is in effect, we will plant a tree in the memory of your beloved fur baby.

For more information about everything that makes Furkin great you can read our Sample Policy. Petriage and Telehealth Support are third party service providers.


Furkin Pet Insurance provides comprehensive coverage for illnesses (e.g., cancer, diabetes, allergies, etc.), accidents (e.g., hit by a car, broken limb, etc.), and emergencies — the situations you don’t see coming. Coverage includes, but is not limited to, the following professional veterinary services:

  • Exam Fees & Applicable Taxes
  • Diagnostics
  • Imaging - CT scans, MRI and X-Rays
  • Medical Procedures
  • Anesthesia and Surgery
  • Hospitalization
  • Emergency Care
  • Prescription Medications
  • Dental Injuries
  • Referral and Specialist Fees
  • Alternative Therapies
  • Hereditary and Congenital Conditions

You can find a complete list of what’s covered – plus our additional perks worth over $3,000 per year – starting on page 11 of our Sample Policy.

Knowing what is not eligible for coverage under your Furkin policy – or any pet insurance policy –  is key to making important decisions about your pet's care and helps you avoid confusion about your coverage in the future. 
Like most pet insurance providers, pre-existing conditions aren’t covered. This is because, as property and casualty insurance, pre-existing conditions are a known event and pet insurance is designed to cover your future unknown and unexpected events and conditions.
Additionally, Furkin Pet Insurance doesn’t cover the following:
  • Vaccines and routine/preventive care
  • Behavioural devices, preventive products, or obedience training
  • Cosmetic or elective procedures

Please check out the What’s Not Covered section on Page 16 of Furkin’s sample policy for the complete list and more details.

Yes, with Furkin you can go to any licensed veterinary office in Canada or the United States. This includes referral and emergency hospitals. Your policy will also provide coverage for any eligible accident or illness which occurs while your furry companion is in the United States of America, Canada, or any other region under U.S. or Canadian government control, such as military installations/bases in foreign countries.



Yes! Furkin Pet Insurance is available in all provinces and territories in Canada, excluding Quebec. 

We're hoping to roll out coverage in Quebec soon! In the meantime, we encourage our Quebecois pet parents to sign up to be the first to know when we're coming to Quebec here:

Yes! Hereditary and congenital conditions are covered with Furkin as long as such conditions are not pre-existing. You can learn more in Section F of our Policy.

Furkin offers the following extras to help round out your coverage for you and your pet(s):

  • Boarding Fees: If you or a family member living in the same household are hospitalized for at least 48 hours as a result of an accident or illness, Furkin will cover the boarding fees for your fur baby with a limit of $1,000 per incident. 
  • Holiday/Trip Cancellation: If your fur baby needs life-saving treatment for an eligible accident or illness within 7 days before your scheduled departure and it results in a cancellation of your holiday/trip, we will reimburse travel and accommodation costs up to $1,000 per incident.
  • Advertising & Reward for a Lost Pet: If your pet is missing for at least 48 hours, we will reimburse the costs of advertising or reward money up to $1,000 annually to help you find your fur baby.  
  • Telehealth Support 24/7 Access: If you have an unexpected medical situation, you can call our Telehealth Support number to talk to a veterinary nurse.  
  • Petriage Online Subscription: This is an online pet “triaging” software application, that will give you instant, actionable information about your pet’s health instead of searching the web. 
  • Cremation and/or Burial: If in the unfortunate circumstances that your veterinarian recommends your pet be medically euthanized, Furkin will cover up to $1,000 of the cost of cremation and/or burial.  
  • Plant in Memory: If your pet should pass away while your coverage is in effect, we will plant a tree in the memory of your beloved fur baby.

For more information on all of these healthy perks read the Sample Policy starting on page 14. Petriage and Telehealth Support are third party service providers.

A pre-existing condition refers to any condition which first occurred or showed signs or symptoms before a policy effective date or during any applicable waiting period. Any illnesses that are deemed by a veterinarian as associated or secondary to an illness that is pre-existing would also be pre-existing. For a complete description, including examples, refer to Section A, Number 20 of the sample Furkin policy.
Pre-existing conditions are not typically covered by pet insurance companies. This is done to protect insurance companies from owners waiting until their pet develops a health condition to then enroll in coverage. If this was allowed, policy premiums would be significantly more expensive.
This is why we recommend you enroll your pet as early as possible, ideally before they have the chance to develop any health conditions!

Spaying your pet is considered a “known” preventive procedure, that if chosen, you can reasonably expect and budget for the cost. Pet insurance, however, is designed to protect your finances and provide coverage for the unexpected illnesses and accidents that your pet may experience, so Furkin does not cover spaying

Preventive and routine expenses, such as spaying and neutering, are sometimes included as coverage in pet insurance wellness add-on packages and are a great add-on to your pet health coverage. We will be launching a Furkin Wellness add-on plan that includes coverage for spaying and neutering in the near future! Learn more about spaying on page 20 of the Sample Policy under what’s not covered.
Similarly to spaying, because neutering is considered a “known” preventive procedure, it is usually not covered under pet insurance plans like Furkin. However, sometimes these preventive and routine expenses, such as neutering or vaccinations, are included in wellness add-on packages. Furkin Pet Insurance will soon be offering a Wellness add-on that includes coverage for neutering in the near future! Learn more about neutering on page 20 of the Sample Policy under what’s not covered.


Having a bank account may help in instances of less costly accidents or illnesses, however, it's hard for most people to save for some of the events that pet insurance helps to cover.  
Let's say a person sets aside $50 per month and in the pet's first year, they break their leg while playing fetch or taking a tumble. An accident like this could cost $2,000 but the owner will only have $600 saved up at that point and will need to find an extra $1,400 to pay the vet bills. 
For another example, let's say a person saves $50 per month over the course of their pet's lifetime and at age 8 the pet is diagnosed with a cancerous mast cell tumor. There is the diagnosis, the tumor removal surgery, and any potential chemotherapy or radiation (not to mention check-ups, bandage costs, etc). An incident like this could cost $9,000 depending on the type of cancer, location, and treatment options. At $50/mo even by age 8, that person will not have saved enough money to cover this treatment... This example also assumes that the person has never needed to tap into their "pet fund" until this incident, so if the pet has experienced other accidents or illnesses, that would have further reduced the amount in their savings account.  
Someone could have a "lucky" pet and never have any accidents or illnesses greater than $1,000 and could be fine simply setting aside money into a savings account. However, we believe pet insurance is important so that pet owners never have to face the difficult question of if they have enough money to treat their pet’s accident or illness should one of these bigger events occur. When you buy pet insurance, you are transferring that unknown "risk" from yourself to the insurance company.

With pet insurance, there are various factors that are used to determine initial premium costs. Your pet’s monthly premium is based on factors such as breed, gender, age, and geographic location. For more information, you can check out “How to Understand Pet Insurance Premiums”.

You can ask your veterinarian for your pet’s complete medical records, which will outline any conditions your pet has experienced to date. It’s important to also consider all previous veterinarians or specialists your pet has seen, as those medical records will also help you understand what is pre-existing for your fur baby.
Any illnesses or accidents that manifest or are incurred during your waiting period are also pre-existing conditions.
Your Deductible is a fixed amount that you choose when enrolling with Furkin, which must be met once per 12-month policy year before your insurance coverage kicks in. With Furkin, your deductible is deducted from your claim after your co-insurance amount has been applied. This amount is applied annually when you make a claim, and is deducted from the amount you are reimbursed. Choosing a higher deductible will lower your monthly premium cost.
Your Coinsurance is the amount you are responsible for paying on eligible expenses on a claim. If, for example, you have an 80% reimbursement level, you would be responsible for 20% of the remaining eligible costs associated with the treatment of a condition, known as your co-insurance. When calculating your reimbursement, the co-insurance is applied first, followed by the deductible, less any excluded costs.
Learn about how these both work together and the three deductible options you can choose from starting on page 9 of our Sample Policy.
We love that exotic pets are part of your family! Right now we only cover cats and dogs but we wish you luck in finding protection for your little ones!


Furkin members get to take advantage of Petriage, a third-party online pet ‘triaging’ software application that gives you instant, actionable info about your pet’s health through their dynamic mobile app.
Creating your account as a Furkin member is easy. Simply create an account using this link and sign up with the email address associated with your Furkin policy. If you need any further assistance, our Care Team would love to help at 1-888-453-1088, or chat with us on this website.

No. At Furkin, we do not penalize pets who have had to claim more nor do we change your premium due to your pet’s specific medical history at enrollment or renewal. 

For example, let’s say you and your neighbour each adopt a 9-month-old Labrador Retriever and enroll both of your pets with Furkin. You both have the same monthly premium since the demographics of your pet are identical. In year one, you have claimed and been reimbursed for $2,500 in medical expenses and your neighbour’s pet has luckily been in good health and not had to submit any medical claims. When you and your neighbour’s policies renew after 12 months, the two premiums may have gone up or down from what you paid in year one (learn about how pet insurance premiums are calculated), but you will both be paying the same new monthly cost for year two since we do not penalize pets that have been “unlucky” and required medical care.


Reimbursing your claims is a priority for us. We use direct deposit to reimburse claims so that your claims reimbursement gets to you quickly by depositing directly into your bank account!
We will process all reimbursement requests – whether simple or complex – as quickly as possible, once we have received all of the required documentation. At Furkin, over half of all claims submitted by our members are processed within 24 hours and 80% of submitted claims are processed within 7 days.
You can find more information on how to complete your claims and time expectations for reimbursement on our Members page.

We will process your claims as quickly as possible! Your first claim, or some more complex claims, can take longer as we may need to contact your veterinarian for more information (such as requesting medical records from your clinic). Once we start our review and have all the needed information, the claim will likely be processed in the next 14 business days.

Many insurance providers – pet or otherwise – may have waiting periods, which is the amount of time a policyholder must wait before some or all of their coverage comes into effect. 
There are several waiting periods in place that dictate when your coverage becomes available for accidents, illness, or other events. With a Furkin Policy, you must wait the following waiting periods before coverage becomes available for your pet:
  • For accidents – 48 hours 
  • For illnesses – 14 days 
  • For Cruciate Ligament Conditions – 180 days 

All Waiting Periods begin at 12:00 a.m. on your Policy Effective Date. Learn more about Furkin’s waiting periods on Page 8 of the Sample Policy.

Yes, you will need to make these arrangements directly with your veterinarian’s office.

Policy Admin

Making changes to your policy is easy! If you would like to make changes to your policy please contact our Care Team at 1-888-453-1088,, or chat with us on this website.
You can increase your deductible at any time and you can decrease your deductible during the first 30 days from the date you purchased or renewed your policy.
For changes that affect your monthly premium, such as a change of deductible, the change will take effect on your next policy monthly billing date following the date we receive your change request. If any changes impact your coverage, we will send you a new Declaration Page.
Yes! Your Furkin Coverage can be cancelled at any time.
You must request cancellation of your policy in writing to us by mail, fax or email, or by phone. Cancellation will take effect on the date we received your cancellation request. If your pet passes away, we’ll automatically backdate your cancellation to the date on which they passed away.
With Furkin Pet Insurance you get a 30-Day Free-Look Period when you enroll with us. This means you have 30 days from your policy effective date to cancel without any financial obligation. In the event that you notify us to cancel your policy within that period, we will refund any part of the premium you have paid and your Policy will be void, so long as we have not reimbursed you for any claims.

Your premium will never change more than once in any 12-month period and will never increase due to filing a claim. Your premium may change, however, if you initiate a material change, such as moving to a new geographic region or correcting your pet’s demographics like their breed or age.

Upon renewal you may see a decrease or increase to premium based on your pet’s new age at the time of renewal and new data, such as the cost of veterinary care in a member’s region. Rates may also change over time as Furkin receives more data from an increasing number of pets, which improves our ability to accurately price. 

We will never change your premium because your pet develops a condition while enrolled, regardless of how costly. That’s why it’s always good to consider insuring your pet at a young age before they develop any pre-existing conditions that would be excluded from coverage by pet insurance companies.

Yes, you can insure multiple pets and many members of the Furkin family are multi-pet households. If you’re purchasing coverage for more than one pet, you will receive an automatic 5% multi-pet discount!


While we encourage pet owners to enroll their pets as early as possible, your pet must be at least 7 weeks old and under 14 years of age at the time of enrollment. Once enrolled, you can continue to renew coverage throughout their entire life, including beyond 14 years old.